Source code for twain

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import typing
import weakref
import warnings
import os
import sys
import ctypes as ct

from . import windows
from . import utils
from . import exceptions
from .lowlevel import constants
from .lowlevel import structs

# Following imports are needed for backward compatibility

logger = logging.getLogger("twain")

_exc_mapping = {
    constants.TWCC_BUMMER: exceptions.GeneralFailure,
    constants.TWCC_LOWMEMORY: MemoryError,
    constants.TWCC_NODS: exceptions.NoDataSourceError,
    constants.TWCC_OPERATIONERROR: exceptions.OperationError,
    constants.TWCC_BADCAP: exceptions.BadCapability,
    constants.TWCC_BADPROTOCOL: exceptions.BadProtocol,
    constants.TWCC_BADVALUE: ValueError,
    constants.TWCC_SEQERROR: exceptions.SequenceError,
    constants.TWCC_BADDEST: exceptions.BadDestination,
    constants.TWCC_CAPUNSUPPORTED: exceptions.CapUnsupported,
    constants.TWCC_CAPBADOPERATION: exceptions.CapBadOperation,
    constants.TWCC_CAPSEQERROR: exceptions.CapSeqError,
    constants.TWCC_DENIED: exceptions.DeniedError,
    constants.TWCC_FILEEXISTS: FileExistsError,
    constants.TWCC_FILENOTFOUND: FileNotFoundError,
    constants.TWCC_NOTEMPTY: exceptions.NotEmptyError,
    constants.TWCC_PAPERJAM: exceptions.PaperJam,
    constants.TWCC_PAPERDOUBLEFEED: exceptions.PaperDoubleFeedError,
    constants.TWCC_FILEWRITEERROR: exceptions.FileWriteError,
    constants.TWCC_CHECKDEVICEONLINE: exceptions.CheckDeviceOnlineError,
    constants.TWCC_MAXCONNECTIONS: exceptions.MaxConnectionsError,

_ext_to_type = {
    ".bmp": constants.TWFF_BMP,
    ".jpg": constants.TWFF_JFIF,
    ".jpeg": constants.TWFF_JFIF,
    ".png": constants.TWFF_PNG,
    ".tiff": constants.TWFF_TIFF,
    ".tif": constants.TWFF_TIFF,

_mapping = {
    constants.TWTY_INT8: ct.c_int8,
    constants.TWTY_UINT8: ct.c_uint8,
    constants.TWTY_INT16: ct.c_int16,
    constants.TWTY_UINT16: ct.c_uint16,
    constants.TWTY_UINT32: ct.c_uint32,
    constants.TWTY_INT32: ct.c_int32,
    constants.TWTY_BOOL: ct.c_uint16,
    constants.TWTY_FIX32: structs.TW_FIX32,
    constants.TWTY_FRAME: structs.TW_FRAME,
    constants.TWTY_STR32: ct.c_char * 34,
    constants.TWTY_STR64: ct.c_char * 66,
    constants.TWTY_STR128: ct.c_char * 130,
    constants.TWTY_STR255: ct.c_char * 255,

# Corresponding states are defined in TWAIN spec 2.11 paragraph
# Data Source Manager states
_DsmStates = typing.Literal[
    "closed",  # TWAIN state 2
    "open",  # TWAIN state 3

# Data Source states
_SourceStates = typing.Literal[
    "closed",  # TWAIN state 2
    "open",  # TWAIN state 4
    "enabled",  # TWAIN state 5
    "ready",  # TWAIN state 6

def _is_good_type(type_id: int) -> bool:
    return type_id in list(_mapping.keys())

def _struct2dict(
    struct: ct.Structure, decode:[[bytes], str]
) -> dict[str, typing.Any]:
    result = {}
    for field, _ in struct._fields_:
        value = getattr(struct, field)
        if hasattr(value, "_length_") and hasattr(value, "_type_"):
            # Probably an array
            value = list(value)
        elif hasattr(value, "_fields_"):
            # Probably another struct
            value = _struct2dict(value, decode)
        if isinstance(value, bytes):
            value = decode(value)
        result[field] = value
    return result

class _IImage(typing.Protocol):
    def close(self):

    def save(self, filepath: str):

if sys.platform == "win32":

    def _twain1_alloc(size: int) -> ct.c_void_p:
        return windows.GlobalAlloc(windows.GMEM_ZEROINIT, size)

    _twain1_free = windows.GlobalFree
    _twain1_lock = windows.GlobalLock
    _twain1_unlock = windows.GlobalUnlock

    class _Image(_IImage):
        def __init__(
            free:[[typing.Any], None],
            lock:[[typing.Any], ct.c_void_p],
            unlock:[[typing.Any], None],
            self._handle = handle
            self._free = free
            self._lock = lock
            self._unlock = unlock

        def __del__(self):

        def close(self):
            """Releases memory of image"""
            self._handle = None

        def save(self, filepath: str):
            """Saves in-memory image to BMP file"""
            # calling GlobalSize may not work on TWAIN2 sources as they may use memory allocator that is not compatible
            # with GlobalSize
            # in this case would need to change code to determine image size from image contents
            size = windows.GlobalSize(self._handle)
            ptr = self._lock(self._handle)
                dib_bytes = (ct.c_char * size).from_address(ptr)
                bmp = windows.convert_dib_to_bmp(dib_bytes)
                with open(filepath, "wb") as f:
    # Mac
    def _twain1_alloc(size: int) -> ct.c_void_p:
        return ct.libc.malloc(size)  # type: ignore # needs fixing

    def _twain1_lock(handle):
        return handle

    def _twain1_unlock(handle):

    def _twain1_free(handle):

[docs] class Source: """ This object represents connection to Data Source. An instance of this class can be created by calling :meth:`SourceManager.open_source` """ def __init__(self, sm: SourceManager, ds_id: structs.TW_IDENTITY): self._sm = sm self._id = ds_id self._state: _SourceStates = "open" self._version2 = bool(ds_id.SupportedGroups & constants.DF_DS2) if self._version2: self._alloc = sm._alloc self._free = sm._free self._lock = sm._lock self._unlock = sm._unlock self._encode = sm._encode self._decode = sm._decode else: self._alloc = _twain1_alloc self._free = _twain1_free self._lock = _twain1_lock self._unlock = _twain1_unlock self._encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() self._encode = lambda s: s.encode(self._encoding) self._decode = lambda s: s.decode(self._encoding) def __del__(self): self.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """This method is used to close the data source object. It gives finer control over this connects than relying on garbage collection. """ if self._state == "ready": self._end_all_xfers() if self._state == "enabled": try: self._disable() except exceptions.TwainError: logger.warning("Failed to disable data source during cleanup") if self._state == "open": self._sm._close_ds(self._id) self._state = "closed" self._sm = None
def _call( self, dg: int, dat: int, msg: int, buf, expected_returns=(constants.TWRC_SUCCESS,), ) -> int: return self._sm._call(self._id, dg, dat, msg, buf, expected_returns) def _get_capability(self, cap: int, current: int): twCapability = structs.TW_CAPABILITY(cap, constants.TWON_DONTCARE16, 0)"Calling DAT_CAPABILITY/%d", current) self._call( constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_CAPABILITY, current, ct.byref(twCapability), ) try: ptr = self._lock(twCapability.hContainer) try: if twCapability.ConType == constants.TWON_ONEVALUE: type_id = int(ct.cast(ptr, ct.POINTER(ct.c_uint16))[0]) if not _is_good_type(type_id): msg = f"Capability Code = {cap}, Format Code = {twCapability.ConType}, Item Type = {type_id}" raise exceptions.CapabilityFormatNotSupported(msg) ctype = _mapping.get(type_id) val = ct.cast(ptr + 2, ct.POINTER(ctype))[0] # type: ignore # needs fixing if type_id in ( constants.TWTY_INT8, constants.TWTY_UINT8, constants.TWTY_INT16, constants.TWTY_UINT16, constants.TWTY_UINT32, constants.TWTY_INT32, ): pass elif type_id == constants.TWTY_BOOL: val = bool(val) elif type_id == constants.TWTY_FIX32: val = structs.fix2float(val) elif type_id == constants.TWTY_FRAME: val = structs.frame2tuple(val) return type_id, val elif twCapability.ConType == constants.TWON_RANGE: rng = ct.cast(ptr, ct.POINTER(structs.TW_RANGE)).contents return { "MinValue": rng.MinValue, "MaxValue": rng.MaxValue, "StepSize": rng.StepSize, "DefaultValue": rng.DefaultValue, "CurrentValue": rng.CurrentValue, } elif twCapability.ConType == constants.TWON_ENUMERATION: enum = ct.cast(ptr, ct.POINTER(structs.TW_ENUMERATION)).contents if not _is_good_type(enum.ItemType): msg = f"Capability Code = {cap}, Format Code = {twCapability.ConType}, Item Type = {enum.ItemType}" raise exceptions.CapabilityFormatNotSupported(msg) ctype = _mapping[enum.ItemType] item_p = ct.cast( ptr + ct.sizeof(structs.TW_ENUMERATION), ct.POINTER(ctype), # type: ignore # needs fixing ) values = [el for el in item_p[0 : enum.NumItems]] return enum.ItemType, (enum.CurrentIndex, enum.DefaultIndex, values) elif twCapability.ConType == constants.TWON_ARRAY: arr = ct.cast(ptr, ct.POINTER(structs.TW_ARRAY)).contents if not _is_good_type(arr.ItemType): msg = f"Capability Code = {cap}, Format Code = {twCapability.ConType}, Item Type = {arr.ItemType}" raise exceptions.CapabilityFormatNotSupported(msg) ctype = _mapping[arr.ItemType] item_p = ct.cast( ptr + ct.sizeof(structs.TW_ARRAY), ct.POINTER(ctype), # type: ignore # needs fixing ) return arr.ItemType, [el for el in item_p[0 : arr.NumItems]] else: msg = ( f"Capability Code = {cap}, Format Code = {twCapability.ConType}" ) raise exceptions.CapabilityFormatNotSupported(msg) finally: self._unlock(twCapability.hContainer) finally: self._free(twCapability.hContainer)
[docs] def get_capability(self, cap: int): """This function is used to return the capability information from the source. If the capability is not supported, an exception should be returned. Capabilities are returned as a tuple of a type (TWTY_*) and a value. The format of values depends on their container type. Capabilities can be in any of the following containers: singleton, range, enumerator or array. singletons are returned as a single value (integer or string) ranges are returned as a tuple dictionary containing MinValue, MaxValue, StepSize, DefaultValue and CurrentValue enumerators and arrays are returned as tuples, each containing a list which has the actual values """ return self._get_capability(cap, constants.MSG_GET)
[docs] def get_capability_current(self, cap: int): """This function is used to return the current value of a capability from the source. If the capability is not supported, an exception should be returned. Capabilities are returned as a tuple of a type (TWTY_*) and a value. The format of values depends on their container type. Capabilities can be in any of the following containers: singleton, range, enumerator or array. singletons are returned as a single value (integer or string) ranges are returned as a tuple dictionary containing MinValue, MaxValue, StepSize, DefaultValue and CurrentValue enumerators and arrays are returned as tuples, each containing a list which has the actual values """ return self._get_capability(cap, constants.MSG_GETCURRENT)
[docs] def get_capability_default(self, cap: int): """This function is used to return the default value of a capability from the source. If the capability is not supported, an exception should be returned. Capabilities are returned as a tuple of a type (TWTY_*) and a value. The format of values depends on their container type. Capabilities can be in any of the following containers: singleton, range, enumerator or array. singletons are returned as a single value (integer or string) ranges are returned as a tuple dictionary containing MinValue, MaxValue, StepSize, DefaultValue and CurrentValue enumerators and arrays are returned as tuples, each containing a list which has the actual values """ return self._get_capability(cap, constants.MSG_GETDEFAULT)
@property def name(self) -> str: """Get the name of the source. This can be used later for connecting to the same source. """ return self._decode(self._id.ProductName) @property def identity(self) -> dict: """This function is used to retrieve information about the source. driver. The information is returned in a dictionary. """ res = _struct2dict(self._id, self._decode) res.update(_struct2dict(self._id.Version, self._decode)) return res
[docs] def set_capability( self, cap: int, type_id: int, value: int | float | str | tuple[float, float, float, float], ): """This function is used to set the value of a capability in the source. Three parameters are required, a Capability Identifier (lowlevel.CAP_* or lowlevel.ICAP_*) a value type (lowlevel.TWTY_*) and a value If the capability is not supported, an exception should be returned. This function is used to set a value using a TW_ONEVALUE. """ if not _is_good_type(type_id): raise exceptions.CapabilityFormatNotSupported( f"Capability Code = {cap}, Format Code = {type_id}" ) ctype = _mapping[type_id] if type_id in ( constants.TWTY_INT8, constants.TWTY_INT16, constants.TWTY_INT32, constants.TWTY_UINT8, constants.TWTY_UINT16, constants.TWTY_UINT32, constants.TWTY_BOOL, ): cval = ctype(value) # type: ignore # needs fixing elif type_id in ( constants.TWTY_STR32, constants.TWTY_STR64, constants.TWTY_STR128, constants.TWTY_STR255, ): cval = ctype(self._encode(value)) # type: ignore # needs fixing elif type_id == constants.TWTY_FIX32: cval = structs.float2fix(value) # type: ignore # needs fixing elif type_id == constants.TWTY_FRAME: cval = structs.tuple2frame(value) # type: ignore # needs fixing else: assert 0, "invalid case" handle = self._alloc(ct.sizeof(structs.TW_ONEVALUE) + ct.sizeof(ctype)) # type: ignore # needs fixing try: ptr = self._lock(handle) try: ct.cast(ptr, ct.POINTER(ct.c_uint16))[0] = type_id ct.cast(ptr + 2, ct.POINTER(ctype))[0] = cval # type: ignore # needs fixing finally: self._unlock(handle) capability = structs.TW_CAPABILITY(cap, constants.TWON_ONEVALUE, handle)"Calling DAT_CAPABILITY/MSG_SET") rv = self._call( constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_CAPABILITY, constants.MSG_SET, ct.byref(capability), [constants.TWRC_CHECKSTATUS], ) finally: self._free(handle) if rv == constants.TWRC_CHECKSTATUS: raise exceptions.CheckStatus
[docs] def reset_capability(self, cap: int): """This function is used to reset the value of a capability to the source default. :param cap: Capability Identifier (lowlevel.CAP_* or lowlevel.ICAP_*). """ capability = structs.TW_CAPABILITY(Cap=cap)"Calling DAT_CAPABILITY/MSG_RESET") self._call( constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_CAPABILITY, constants.MSG_RESET, ct.byref(capability), )
[docs] def set_image_layout( self, frame: tuple[float, float, float, float], document_number: int = 1, page_number: int = 1, frame_number: int = 1, ): """This function is used to inform the source of the Image Layout. It uses a tuple containing frame coordinates, document number, page number, frame number. """ il = structs.TW_IMAGELAYOUT( Frame=structs.tuple2frame(frame), DocumentNumber=document_number, PageNumber=page_number, FrameNumber=frame_number, )"Calling DAT_IMAGELAYOUT/MSG_SET") rv = self._call( constants.DG_IMAGE, constants.DAT_IMAGELAYOUT, constants.MSG_SET, ct.byref(il), (constants.TWRC_SUCCESS, constants.TWRC_CHECKSTATUS), ) if rv == constants.TWRC_CHECKSTATUS: raise exceptions.CheckStatus
[docs] def get_image_layout( self ) -> tuple[tuple[float, float, float, float], int, int, int]: """This function is used to ask the source for Image Layout. It returns a tuple containing frame coordinates, document number, page number, frame number. Valid states 4 through 6 """ il = structs.TW_IMAGELAYOUT()"Calling DAT_IMAGELAYOUT/MSG_GET") self._call( constants.DG_IMAGE, constants.DAT_IMAGELAYOUT, constants.MSG_GET, ct.byref(il), ) return ( structs.frame2tuple(il.Frame), il.DocumentNumber, il.PageNumber, il.FrameNumber, )
[docs] def get_image_layout_default( self ) -> tuple[tuple[float, float, float, float], int, int, int]: """This function is used to ask the source for default Image Layout. It returns a tuple containing frame coordinates, document number, page number, frame number. Valid states 4 through 6 """ il = structs.TW_IMAGELAYOUT()"Calling DAT_IMAGELAYOUT/MSG_GETDEFAULT") self._call( constants.DG_IMAGE, constants.DAT_IMAGELAYOUT, constants.MSG_GETDEFAULT, ct.byref(il), ) return ( structs.frame2tuple(il.Frame), il.DocumentNumber, il.PageNumber, il.FrameNumber, )
[docs] def reset_image_layout(self): """This function is used to reset Image Layout to its default settings""" il = structs.TW_IMAGELAYOUT()"Calling DAT_IMAGELAYOUT/MSG_RESET") self._call( constants.DG_IMAGE, constants.DAT_IMAGELAYOUT, constants.MSG_RESET, ct.byref(il), )
def _enable(self, show_ui: bool, modal_ui: bool, hparent): """This function is used to ask the source to begin acquisition. Parameters: show_ui - bool modal_ui - bool """ ui = structs.TW_USERINTERFACE(ShowUI=show_ui, ModalUI=modal_ui, hParent=hparent)"starting scan")"Calling DAT_USERINTERFACE/MSG_ENALEDS") self._call( constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_USERINTERFACE, constants.MSG_ENABLEDS, ct.byref(ui), ) self._state = "enabled" def _disable(self): """This function is used to ask the source to hide the user interface.""" ui = structs.TW_USERINTERFACE()"Calling DAT_USERINTERFACE/MSG_DISABLEDS") self._call( constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_USERINTERFACE, constants.MSG_DISABLEDS, ct.byref(ui), ) self._state = "open" def _process_event(self, msg: structs.MSG) -> tuple[int, int]: """The TWAIN interface requires that the windows events are available to both the application and the lowlevel source (which operates in the same process). This method is called in the event loop to pass on those events. """ event = structs.TW_EVENT(ct.cast(ct.byref(msg), ct.c_void_p), 0)"Calling DAT_EVENT/MSG_PROCESSEVENT") rv = self._call( constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_EVENT, constants.MSG_PROCESSEVENT, ct.byref(event), (constants.TWRC_DSEVENT, constants.TWRC_NOTDSEVENT), ) logger.debug("handling event result %d", rv) if event.TWMessage == constants.MSG_XFERREADY:"transfer is ready") self._state = "ready" return rv, event.TWMessage def _modal_loop( self, event_callback:[[int], None] | None ) -> None:"entering modal loop") done = False msg = structs.MSG() while not done: # Get message fron Windows message queue if not windows.GetMessage(ct.byref(msg), 0, 0, 0): # type: ignore # needs fixing # Got WM_QUIT message indicating that application is exiting break # send windows event to data source rc, event = self._process_event(msg) if rc not in (constants.TWRC_NOTDSEVENT, constants.TWRC_DSEVENT): logger.error("got unexpected process event result %d", rc) if event_callback: event_callback(event) if event in (constants.MSG_XFERREADY, constants.MSG_CLOSEDSREQ): done = True if rc == constants.TWRC_NOTDSEVENT: # this event is not for data source, so process it via normal # Windows mechanisms windows.TranslateMessage(ct.byref(msg)) # type: ignore # needs fixing windows.DispatchMessage(ct.byref(msg)) # type: ignore # needs fixing"exited modal loop") def _acquire( self, xfer_ready_callback:[[], int], show_ui: bool = True, modal: bool = False, ) -> None: # enable data source self._enable(show_ui=show_ui, modal_ui=modal, hparent=self._sm._hwnd) try: def event_callback_lolevel(event: int) -> None: if event == constants.MSG_XFERREADY:"got MSG_XFERREADY message") more = 1 while more: try: more = xfer_ready_callback() except exceptions.CancelAll: self._end_all_xfers() break # Enter modal loop self._modal_loop(event_callback_lolevel) finally: # disable data source UI self._disable() @property def file_xfer_params(self) -> tuple[str, int]: """Property which stores tuple of (file name, format) where format is one of TWFF_* This property is used by :meth:`xfer_image_by_file` Valid states: 4, 5, 6 """ sfx = structs.TW_SETUPFILEXFER()"Calling DAT_SETUPFILEXFER/MSG_GET") self._call( constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_SETUPFILEXFER, constants.MSG_GET, ct.byref(sfx), ) return self._decode(sfx.FileName), sfx.Format @file_xfer_params.setter def file_xfer_params(self, params: tuple[str, int]) -> None: (path, fmt) = params sfx = structs.TW_SETUPFILEXFER(self._encode(path), fmt, 0)"Calling DAT_SETUPFILEXFER/MSG_SET") self._call( constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_SETUPFILEXFER, constants.MSG_SET, ct.byref(sfx), ) @property def image_info(self) -> dict: """This function is used to ask the source for Image Info. Normally, the application is notified that the image is ready for transfer using the message loop. However, it is hard to get at the message loop in toolkits such as wxPython. As an alternative, I poll the source looking for image information. When the image information is available, the image is ready for transfer Valid states: 6, 7 """ ii = structs.TW_IMAGEINFO()"Calling DAT_IMAGEINFO/MSG_GET") self._call( constants.DG_IMAGE, constants.DAT_IMAGEINFO, constants.MSG_GET, ct.byref(ii) ) return { "XResolution": structs.fix2float(ii.XResolution), "YResolution": structs.fix2float(ii.YResolution), "ImageWidth": ii.ImageWidth, "ImageLength": ii.ImageLength, "SamplesPerPixel": ii.SamplesPerPixel, "BitsPerSample": list(ii.BitsPerSample), "BitsPerPixel": ii.BitsPerPixel, "Planar": ii.Planar, "PixelType": ii.PixelType, "Compression": ii.Compression, } def _get_native_image(self) -> ct.c_void_p | None: """ Transfer image via memory. Should only be called when image is ready for transfer. Returns handle to image or None if transfer was cancelled. """ hbitmap = ct.c_void_p()"Calling DAT_IMAGENATIVEXFER") rv = self._call( constants.DG_IMAGE, constants.DAT_IMAGENATIVEXFER, constants.MSG_GET, ct.byref(hbitmap), (constants.TWRC_XFERDONE, constants.TWRC_CANCEL), ) if rv == constants.TWRC_XFERDONE: return hbitmap if rv == constants.TWRC_CANCEL: return None raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected result returned from DAT_IMAGENATIVEXFER: {rv}") def _get_file_image(self) -> int:"Calling DAT_IMAGEFILEXFER") return self._call( constants.DG_IMAGE, constants.DAT_IMAGEFILEXFER, constants.MSG_GET, None, (constants.TWRC_XFERDONE, constants.TWRC_CANCEL), ) def _get_file_audio(self) -> int:"Calling DAT_AUDIOFILEXFER") return self._call( constants.DG_AUDIO, constants.DAT_AUDIOFILEXFER, constants.MSG_GET, None, (constants.TWRC_XFERDONE, constants.TWRC_CANCEL), ) def _end_xfer(self) -> int: """ This method should be called after every image transfer, successful or cancelled Returns information about additional transfers: * 0 - no more transfers available * -1 - more images available but how many is unknown * >0 - indicates how many more images are available """ px = structs.TW_PENDINGXFERS()"Calling DAT_PENDINGXFERS/MSG_ENDXFER") self._call( constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_PENDINGXFERS, constants.MSG_ENDXFER, ct.byref(px), ) if px.Count == 0: self._state = "enabled" return px.Count def _end_all_xfers(self) -> None: """Cancel all outstanding transfers on the data source.""" px = structs.TW_PENDINGXFERS()"Calling DAT_PENDINGXFERS/MSG_RESET") self._call( constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_PENDINGXFERS, constants.MSG_RESET, ct.byref(px), ) self._state = "enabled"
[docs] def request_acquire(self, show_ui: bool, modal_ui: bool) -> None: """This function is used to ask the source to begin acquisition. Transitions Source to state 5. :param show_ui: bool (default 1) :param modal_ui: bool (default 1) Valid states: 4 """ self._enable(show_ui, modal_ui, self._sm._hwnd)
[docs] def modal_loop(self) -> None: """This function should be called after call to :func:`requiest_acquire` it will return after acquisition complete. Valid states: 5 """ self._modal_loop(self._sm._cb)
[docs] def hide_ui(self) -> None: """This function is used to ask the source to hide the user interface. Transitions Source to state 4 if successful. Valid states: 5 """ self._disable()
[docs] def xfer_image_natively(self) -> tuple[typing.Any, int]: """Perform a 'Native' form transfer of the image. When successful, this routine returns two values, an image handle and a count of the number of images remaining in the source. If remaining number of images is zero Source will transition to state 5, otherwise it stays in state 6 in which case you should call :meth:`xfer_image_natively` again. Valid states: 6 """ handle = self._get_native_image() # _end_xfer should be called even if transfer was cancelled more = self._end_xfer() # get_native_image returns None if transfer was cancelled if not handle: raise exceptions.DSTransferCancelled return handle.value, more
[docs] def xfer_image_by_file(self) -> int: """Perform a file based transfer of the image. When successful, the file is saved to the image file, defined in a previous call to :meth:`file_xfer_params`. Returns the number of pending transfers If remaining number of images is zero Source will transition to state 5, otherwise it stays in state 6 in which case you should call :meth:`xfer_image_natively` again. Valid states: 6 """ rv = self._get_file_image() more = self._end_xfer() if rv == constants.TWRC_CANCEL: raise exceptions.DSTransferCancelled return more
[docs] def acquire_file( self, before:[[dict], str], after:[[int], None] = lambda more: None, show_ui: bool = True, modal: bool = False, ) -> None: """Acquires one or more images as files. Call returns when acquisition complete. :param before: Callback called before each acquired file, it should return full file path to where image should be saved. It can also throw CancelAll to cancel acquisition :keyword after: Callback called after each acquired file, it receives number of images remaining. It can throw CancelAll to cancel remaining acquisition :keyword show_ui: If True source's UI will be presented to user :keyword modal: If True source's UI will be modal """ _, (_, _, mechs) = self.get_capability(constants.ICAP_XFERMECH) if constants.TWSX_FILE not in mechs: raise Exception("File transfer is not supported") def callback(): filepath = before(self.image_info) _, ext = os.path.splitext(filepath) ext = ext.lower() if ext != ".bmp": import tempfile handle, bmppath = tempfile.mkstemp(".bmp") os.close(handle) else: bmppath = filepath self.file_xfer_params = bmppath, constants.TWFF_BMP rv = self._get_file_image() more = self._end_xfer() if rv == constants.TWRC_CANCEL: raise exceptions.DSTransferCancelled if ext != ".bmp": try: import Image # type: ignore # needs fixing except ImportError: from PIL import Image os.remove(bmppath) after(more) return more self.set_capability( constants.ICAP_XFERMECH, constants.TWTY_UINT16, constants.TWSX_FILE ) self._acquire(callback, show_ui, modal)
[docs] def acquire_natively( self, after:[[_IImage, int], None], before:[[dict], None] = lambda img_info: None, show_ui: bool = True, modal: bool = False, ) -> None: """Acquires one or more images via memory. Call returns when acquisition complete. This function will run its own event loop while it is executing. :keyword after: Callback called after each acquired file, it receives an image object and number of images remaining. It can throw CancelAll to cancel remaining acquisition :keyword before: Callback called before each acquired file. It can throw CancelAll to cancel acquisition :keyword show_ui: If True source's UI will be presented to user :keyword modal: If True source's UI will be modal """ def xfer_ready_callback() -> int: before(self.image_info) handle, more = self.xfer_image_natively() after( _Image( handle=handle, free=self._free, lock=self._lock, unlock=self._unlock ), more, ) return more self.set_capability( constants.ICAP_XFERMECH, constants.TWTY_UINT16, constants.TWSX_NATIVE ) self._acquire( xfer_ready_callback=xfer_ready_callback, show_ui=show_ui, modal=modal )
def is_twain2(self) -> bool: return self._version2 # backward compatible aliases def destroy(self) -> None: warnings.warn( "destroy is deprecated, use close instead", DeprecationWarning, ) self.close() def GetCapabilityCurrent(self, cap): warnings.warn( "GetCapabilityCurrent is deprecated, use get_capability_current instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.get_capability_current(cap) def GetCapabilityDefault(self, cap): warnings.warn( "GetCapabilityDefault is deprecated, use get_capability_default instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.get_capability_default(cap) def GetSourceName(self): warnings.warn( "GetSourceName is deprecated, use name property instead", DeprecationWarning ) return def GetIdentity(self): warnings.warn( "GetIdentity is deprecated, use identity property instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.identity def GetCapability(self, cap): warnings.warn( "GetCapability is deprecated, use get_capability instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.get_capability(cap) def SetCapability(self, cap, type_id, value): warnings.warn( "SetCapability is deprecated, use set_capability instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.set_capability(cap, type_id, value) def ResetCapability(self, cap): warnings.warn( "ResetCapability is deprecated, use reset_capability instead", DeprecationWarning, ) self.reset_capability(cap) def SetImageLayout(self, frame, document_number=1, page_number=1, frame_number=1): warnings.warn( "SetImageLayout is deprecated, use set_image_layout instead", DeprecationWarning, ) self.set_image_layout(frame, document_number, page_number, frame_number) def GetImageLayout(self): warnings.warn( "GetImageLayout is deprecated, use get_image_layout instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.get_image_layout() def GetDefaultImageLayout(self): warnings.warn( "GetDefaultImageLayout is deprecated, use get_default_image_layout instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.get_image_layout_default() def ResetImageLayout(self): warnings.warn( "ResetImageLayout is deprecated, use reset_image_layout instead", DeprecationWarning, ) self.reset_image_layout() def RequestAcquire(self, show_ui, modal_ui): warnings.warn( "RequestAcquire is deprecated, use reset_acquire instead", DeprecationWarning, ) self.request_acquire(show_ui, modal_ui) def ModalLoop(self): warnings.warn( "ModalLoop is deprecated, use modal_loop instead", DeprecationWarning ) self.modal_loop() def HideUI(self): warnings.warn("HideUI is deprecated, use hide_ui instead", DeprecationWarning) self.hide_ui() def SetXferFileName(self, path, format): warnings.warn( "SetXferFileName is deprecated, use file_xfer_params instead", DeprecationWarning, ) self.file_xfer_params = (path, format) def GetXferFileName(self): warnings.warn( "GetXferFileName is deprecated, use file_xfer_params property instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.file_xfer_params def GetImageInfo(self): warnings.warn( "GetImageInfo is deprecated, use image_info property instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.image_info def XferImageNatively(self): warnings.warn( "XferImageNatively is deprecated, use xfer_image_natively instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.xfer_image_natively() def XferImageByFile(self): warnings.warn( "XferImageByFile is deprecated, use xfer_image_by_file instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.xfer_image_by_file()
def _get_protocol_major_version( requested_protocol_major_version: None | typing.Literal[1, 2] ) -> typing.Literal[1, 2]: if requested_protocol_major_version not in [None, 1, 2]: raise ValueError("Invalid protocol version specified") if utils.is_windows(): # On Windows default to major version 1 since version 2 is not supported # by almost all scanners return 1 or requested_protocol_major_version return 2 or requested_protocol_major_version def _get_dsm( dsm_name: str | None, protocol_major_version: typing.Literal[1, 2] ) -> ct.CDLL: """ Loads TWAIN Data Source Manager DLL. If dsm_name parameter is set will load that exact DSM DLL. If it is not set will use heuristic to determine which DSM to use based on the specified protocol version. For example on Windows it will use bundled twain_32.dll if version 1 was specified and current process is a 32 bit process, otherwise will use twaindsm.dll which does not come with Windows by default and needs to be installed separately. :param dsm_name: Path to DSM DLL or null to allow automatic detection :param protocol_major_version: A hint for which TWAIN protocol major version is needed """ if sys.platform == "win32": is64bit = sys.maxsize > 2**32 if dsm_name: return ct.WinDLL(dsm_name) if protocol_major_version == 1 and not is64bit: dsm_name = os.path.join(os.environ["WINDIR"], "twain_32.dll") else: dsm_name = "twaindsm.dll" try:"attempting to load dll: %s", dsm_name) return ct.WinDLL(dsm_name) except OSError as e: logger.error("load failed with error %s", e) raise exceptions.SMLoadFileFailed(e) else: return ct.CDLL("/System/Library/Frameworks/TWAIN.framework/TWAIN")
[docs] class SourceManager: """Represents a Data Source Manager connection. This is the first class that you need to create. From instance of this class you can list existing sources using :func:`source_list` property. You can open source using :func:`open_source` method and then use methods on the returned object to perform scanning. When done call :func:`close` method to release resources. """ def __init__( self, parent_window=None, MajorNum: int = 1, MinorNum: int = 0, Language: int = constants.TWLG_USA, Country: int = constants.TWCY_USA, Info: str = "", ProductName: str = "TWAIN Python Interface", ProtocolMajor: typing.Literal[1, 2] | None = None, ProtocolMinor: int | None = None, SupportedGroups: int = constants.DG_IMAGE | constants.DG_CONTROL, Manufacturer: str = "pytwain", ProductFamily: str = "TWAIN Python Interface", dsm_name: str | None = None, ): """Constructor for a TWAIN Source Manager Object. This constructor has one position argument, parent_window, which should contain . :param parent_window: can contain Tk, Wx or Gtk window object or the windows handle of the main window :keyword dsm_name: Optional path or name of the TWAIN Data Source Manager DLL, if not specified will try to locate one automatically. :keyword MajorNum: default = 1 :keyword MinorNum: default = 0 :keyword Language: default = TWLG_USA :keyword Country: default = TWCY_USA :keyword Info: default = 'TWAIN Python Interface 10/02/2002' :keyword ProductName: default = 'TWAIN Python Interface' :keyword ProtocolMajor: default = TWON_PROTOCOLMAJOR :keyword ProtocolMinor: default = TWON_PROTOCOLMINOR :keyword SupportedGroups: default = DG_IMAGE | DG_CONTROL :keyword Manufacturer: default = 'Kevin Gill' :keyword ProductFamily: default = 'TWAIN Python Interface' """ self._sources: weakref.WeakSet[Source] = weakref.WeakSet() self._cb:[[int], None] | None = None self._state: _DsmStates = "closed" self._parent_window = parent_window self._hwnd = 0 if utils.is_windows(): if hasattr(parent_window, "winfo_id"): # tk window self._hwnd = parent_window.winfo_id() elif hasattr(parent_window, "GetHandle"): # wx window self._hwnd = parent_window.GetHandle() elif hasattr(parent_window, "window") and hasattr( parent_window.window, "handle" ): # gtk window self._hwnd = parent_window.window.handle elif parent_window is None: self._hwnd = 0 else: self._hwnd = int(parent_window) protocol_major = _get_protocol_major_version(ProtocolMajor) twain_dll = _get_dsm(dsm_name, protocol_major_version=protocol_major) try: self._entry = twain_dll["DSM_Entry"] except AttributeError as e: raise exceptions.SMGetProcAddressFailed(e) self._entry.restype = ct.c_uint16 self._entry.argtypes = ( ct.POINTER(structs.TW_IDENTITY), ct.POINTER(structs.TW_IDENTITY), ct.c_uint32, ct.c_uint16, ct.c_uint16, ct.c_void_p, ) self._app_id = structs.TW_IDENTITY( Version=structs.TW_VERSION( MajorNum=MajorNum, MinorNum=MinorNum, Language=Language, Country=Country, Info=Info.encode("utf8"), ), ProtocolMajor=protocol_major, ProtocolMinor=0, SupportedGroups=SupportedGroups | constants.DF_APP2, Manufacturer=Manufacturer.encode("utf8"), ProductFamily=ProductFamily.encode("utf8"), ProductName=ProductName.encode("utf8"), )"Calling DAT_PARENT/MSG_OPENDSM") self._call( None, constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_PARENT, constants.MSG_OPENDSM, ct.byref(ct.c_void_p(self._hwnd)), ) self._version2 = bool(self._app_id.SupportedGroups & constants.DF_DSM2) if self._version2: entrypoint = structs.TW_ENTRYPOINT(Size=ct.sizeof(structs.TW_ENTRYPOINT)) rv = self._entry( self._app_id, None, constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_ENTRYPOINT, constants.MSG_GET, ct.byref(entrypoint), ) if rv != constants.TWRC_SUCCESS: raise exceptions.SMOpenFailed( f"[{dsm_name}], return code {rv} from DG_CONTROL DAT_ENTRYPOINT MSG_GET" ) self._alloc = entrypoint.DSM_MemAllocate self._free = entrypoint.DSM_MemFree self._lock = entrypoint.DSM_MemLock self._unlock = entrypoint.DSM_MemUnlock self._encode = lambda s: s.encode("utf8") self._decode = lambda s: s.decode("utf8") else: self._alloc = _twain1_alloc self._free = _twain1_free self._lock = _twain1_lock self._unlock = _twain1_unlock self._encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() self._encode = lambda s: s.encode(self._encoding) self._decode = lambda s: s.decode(self._encoding)"DSM initialized") self._state = "open" def __del__(self) -> None: if self._state == "open": self._close_dsm() def __enter__(self) -> SourceManager: return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: self.close() def _close_dsm(self) -> None:"Calling DAT_PARENT/MSG_CLOSEDSM") self._call( None, constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_PARENT, constants.MSG_CLOSEDSM, ct.byref(ct.c_void_p(self._hwnd)), )
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """This method is used to force the SourceManager to close down. It is provided for finer control than letting garbage collection drop the connections. """ while self._sources: self._sources.pop().close() if self._state == "open": self._close_dsm() self._state = "closed"
def _call( self, dest_id, dg: int, dat: int, msg: int, buf: typing.Any, expected_returns: tuple[int, ...] = (), ) -> int: logger.debug("Calling TWAIN (%s,%d,%d,%d)", dest_id, dg, dat, msg) rv = self._entry(self._app_id, dest_id, dg, dat, msg, buf) logger.debug("TWAIN returned: %d", rv) if rv == constants.TWRC_SUCCESS or rv in expected_returns: return rv if rv == constants.TWRC_FAILURE: status = structs.TW_STATUS() rv = self._entry( self._app_id, dest_id, constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_STATUS, constants.MSG_GET, ct.byref(status), ) if rv != constants.TWRC_SUCCESS: logger.warning( "Getting additional error information returned non success code: %d", rv, ) raise exceptions.TwainError() code = status.ConditionCode exc = _exc_mapping.get( code, exceptions.UnknownError(f"ConditionCode = {code}") ) raise exc raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected result: {rv}") def _user_select(self) -> structs.TW_IDENTITY | None:"starting source selection dialog") ds_id = structs.TW_IDENTITY()"Calling DAT_IDENTITY/MSG_USERSELECT") rv = self._call( None, constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_IDENTITY, constants.MSG_USERSELECT, ct.byref(ds_id), expected_returns=(constants.TWRC_SUCCESS, constants.TWRC_CANCEL), ) if rv == constants.TWRC_SUCCESS:"user selected source with id %s", ds_id.Id) return ds_id if rv == constants.TWRC_CANCEL:"user cancelled selection") return None # This is unexpected since _call should only return values from expected_returns list raise RuntimeError(f"Got unexpected return value {rv} from _call method") def _open_ds(self, ds_id: structs.TW_IDENTITY) -> None:"opening data source with id %s", ds_id.Id)"Calling DAT_IDENTITY/MSG_OPENDS") self._call( None, constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_IDENTITY, constants.MSG_OPENDS, ct.byref(ds_id), ) def _close_ds(self, ds_id: structs.TW_IDENTITY) -> None:"closing data source with id %s", ds_id.Id)"Calling DAT_IDENTITY/MSG_CLOSEDS") self._call( None, constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_IDENTITY, constants.MSG_CLOSEDS, ct.byref(ds_id), )
[docs] def open_source(self, product_name: str | None = None) -> Source | None: """Open a TWAIN Source. If `product_name` parameter is specified, will open source matching that product name. Otherwise, will present a source selection dialog box to user. Once user selects a source, that source will be opened. Returns a :class:`Source` object, which can be used to communicate with the source or `None` if user cancelled source selection dialog. :keyword product_name: source to be opened, if not specified or value is `None` user will be prompted for source selection """ if product_name: ds_id = structs.TW_IDENTITY(ProductName=self._encode(product_name)) else: selected_ds_id = self._user_select() if not selected_ds_id: return None ds_id = selected_ds_id self._open_ds(ds_id) source = Source(self, ds_id) self._sources.add(source) return source
@property def identity(self) -> dict: """This property is used to retrieve the identity of our application. The information is returned in a dictionary. """ res = _struct2dict(self._app_id, self._decode) res.update(_struct2dict(self._app_id.Version, self._decode)) return res @property def source_list(self) -> list[str]: """Returns a list containing the names of available sources""" names: list[str] = [] ds_id = structs.TW_IDENTITY() try:"Calling DAT_IDENTITY/MSG_GETFIRST") rv = self._call( None, constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_IDENTITY, constants.MSG_GETFIRST, ct.byref(ds_id), (constants.TWRC_SUCCESS, constants.TWRC_ENDOFLIST), ) except exceptions.NoDataSourceError: # there are no data sources return names while rv != constants.TWRC_ENDOFLIST: names.append(self._decode(ds_id.ProductName))"Calling DAT_IDENTITY/MSG_GETNEXT") rv = self._call( None, constants.DG_CONTROL, constants.DAT_IDENTITY, constants.MSG_GETNEXT, ct.byref(ds_id), (constants.TWRC_SUCCESS, constants.TWRC_ENDOFLIST), ) return names
[docs] def set_callback(self, cb:[[int], None] | None): """Register a python function to be used for notification that the transfer is ready, etc. """ self._cb = cb
def is_twain2(self) -> bool: return self._version2 # backward compatible aliases def destroy(self) -> None: warnings.warn("destroy is deprecated, use close instead", DeprecationWarning) self.close() def SetCallback(self, cb): warnings.warn( "SetCallback is deprecated, use set_callback instead", DeprecationWarning ) return self.set_callback(cb) def OpenSource(self, product_name=None): warnings.warn( "OpenSource is deprecated, use open_source instead", DeprecationWarning ) return self.open_source(product_name) def GetIdentity(self): warnings.warn( "GetIdentity is deprecated, use identity property instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.identity def GetSourceList(self): warnings.warn( "GetSourceList is deprecated, use source_list property instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.source_list
[docs] def version() -> str: """Retrieve the version of the module""" # This version should be updated before release. # Ideally it needs to be automated with build process. return "2.3.0"
[docs] def acquire( path: str, ds_name: str | None = None, dpi: float | None = None, pixel_type: typing.Literal["bw", "gray", "color"] | None = None, bpp: int | None = None, frame: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None, parent_window=None, show_ui: bool = False, dsm_name: str | None = None, modal: bool = False, ) -> dict | None: """Acquires single image into file :param path: Path where to save image :keyword ds_name: name of lowlevel data source, if not provided user will be presented with selection dialog :keyword dpi: resolution in dots per inch :keyword pixel_type: can be 'bw', 'gray', 'color' :keyword bpp: bits per pixel :keyword frame: tuple (left, top, right, bottom) scan area in inches :keyword parent_window: can be Tk, Wx, Gtk window object or Win32 window handle :keyword show_ui: if True source's UI dialog will be presented to user :keyword dsm_name: optional name or path for TWAIN Data Source Manager DLL :keyword modal: whether to use modal dialog for scanner UI Returns a dictionary describing image, or None if scanning was cancelled by user """ if pixel_type: pixel_type_map = { "bw": constants.TWPT_BW, "gray": constants.TWPT_GRAY, "color": constants.TWPT_RGB, } twain_pixel_type = pixel_type_map[pixel_type] else: twain_pixel_type = None if not parent_window: from tkinter import Tk parent_window = Tk() sm = SourceManager(parent_window, dsm_name=dsm_name) try: sd = sm.open_source(ds_name) if not sd: return None try: if twain_pixel_type: sd.set_capability( constants.ICAP_PIXELTYPE, constants.TWTY_UINT16, twain_pixel_type ) sd.set_capability( constants.ICAP_UNITS, constants.TWTY_UINT16, constants.TWUN_INCHES ) if bpp: sd.set_capability(constants.ICAP_BITDEPTH, constants.TWTY_UINT16, bpp) if dpi: sd.set_capability(constants.ICAP_XRESOLUTION, constants.TWTY_FIX32, dpi) sd.set_capability(constants.ICAP_YRESOLUTION, constants.TWTY_FIX32, dpi) if frame: try: sd.set_image_layout(frame) except exceptions.CheckStatus: pass res: list[dict] = [] def before(img_info: dict) -> str: res.append(img_info) return path def after(more: int) -> None: if more: raise exceptions.CancelAll try: sd.acquire_file( before=before, after=after, show_ui=show_ui, modal=modal ) except exceptions.DSTransferCancelled: return None finally: sd.close() finally: sm.close() return res[0]
# import all constants for backward compatibility from .lowlevel.constants import * # noqa from .windows import * # noqa